Well, we had our first race. It included 4 micros and a brp SC18.
The brp (completely stock with 6-cells) managed to hold the track the entire time and took 1st.
Trick-Parts' micro was out the first race and got a lay of the track in the second. The last 2 races he managed to be the top micro out there. Good job. His setup was an ARM pan chassis with Team Orion Elite Mod, 7.2V Team Orion battery pack. Can't remember the ESC and receiver, but it was topped with the Toyota GT1 body. This race was also his first time using a micro. Infact it was the first night he had it to play with.
MI Maxxer was out the first race as well. He also just got his micro last night and it was his first time using it. Both him and Trick-Parts were finishing the assembly of them at the track. MI Maxxer had a 7.2V pack with Team Orion Elite Mod and Airtronics ES-01. The ES-01 managed to last about 2 seconds before frying. Luckily he was able to grab a Futaba MC230CR that was hidden in the cabinet. What a find that was. Then during a battery charge, the clips came in contact and caused the battery to heat up. This inturn made the battery melt and become unstable. After this he was able to borrow a 6V pack from Greg53. He came back in the second race and atleast got the feel for the micro. Second, third, and last race he was able to get around the track, but was still learning. Good job for a first time.
Greg53 did pretty good. He was kept his micro running all 4 races. After a couple of runs on the track, he managed to get his micro around the track with little whipeouts. Although he did break 2 front knuckles during the night. He was running a 7.2V pack with a speed300 and the skyline body with narrow setting.
I myself did ok. Last night was the first race I had been in with the micro and was basically the first time running it (other than a 1 minute run outside one day). My setup was 6V pack with speed 300, and GM V3R ESC. First race the micro was spinning every since the traction was horrible. I managed to figure out how to get around the track eventually. And at one point I did a barrel roll down a straight away. I was out the second race due to a bad battery pack. Third and fourth race was rather bad. Third race I race I ran with just the foam inserts (Greg53 did the same). Fourth race I ran stock tires again, but my traction was worse than the first race. I didn't clean the tires which I should have done.
In the end we all had a good time and decided to do the racing every friday that we could. We also discovered a couple things. Like the fact that BRPs shouldn't be run with Micros. And that the stock tires are rather crappy for carpet racing. Although Trick-Parts managed to figure out that putting traction compound on them for 10 minutes, then whiping it off, did help alot. Right now we are looking for foam tires for the micro. And I will say the wider setups do ALOT better than the narrow setups.
Last edited by CooLJoE; 03-02-2002 at 04:53 PM.