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Old 03-19-2004, 10:45 AM
ELF ELF is offline
Micro Master
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Kirkland, WA
Posts: 374
WWS is finally built, but pulls to the right

Alright! The kit is done despite the german instructions. The tricky parts were the steering linkage and the rear diff, everything else was reasonably easy.

Steering linkage: The wire used was fractured so I had to make my own. I also had to find an appropriately small servo arm. Nicely enough, the servo doesn't need to move very much to have the steering go lock-to-lock. Using an HS81-MG.

Servo saver: Doesn't appear to be enough room for one, and the HPI version is a bit small for my needs. Suggestions?

Rear diff: Tricky to get really smooth, but I've gotten it.

I'm pulling to the right on heavy accel. This is something I didn't expect to see on a 2WD car that was designed only as a 2WD car. If I accelerate more gradually, it doesn't pull. Sounds to me as if the torque is not being transferred equally. Suggestions?
-- ELF
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