You know
if the battery plate was glued on and there was a hole in the side of the chassis then all you’d have to do is pop off the chassis pull the battery out and slap in a new one in oh I don’t know maybe 25 seconds or so, less if the body was held on by Velcro.
Ya ya, and that way you could even use longer battery packs like 195mAh NiMH 4-cells, oh golly gee I bet if you cut a hole in the opposite side too could even use really long batteries like 10440 lithium ion packs and still swap them out in seconds.
Na, wouldn’t work, or would it?
Ok it does, and quite well. I remove the metal standoffs first, epoxy the battery cover in place then once it’s cured use a rotary tool and ¼” drum sander bit for the holes and to. If you’re using LiPo cells use a file to square off the right side hole until the pack just fits, if not leave the corners rounded.