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Old 12-09-2008, 06:05 PM
rcracer1958 rcracer1958 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 2
Nice 1/18th scale carpet track in Hyde Park, NY

Hi guys,
There's a great 1/18th scale carpet track in Hyde Park, NY at Rampage Hobbies (845)229-1379
Owners name is Rich

Wednesday night is Oval night
Stock Associated 18R w/ stocker bodies
Losi Mini Sliders
preparing to start a modified class

Saturday night is on road night
stock 18R
Mod 18R
and we'll make room for anything else that shows up as long as there's 2 of them
AMB lap counting with Laps for Free runs the show for the night
really nice pit area just redone...tiled counter top with a shelf for every spot, food close by and freindly racers just having fun.
There's pics and video at the store website

if you live in the area call or stop by
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