Stock Suspension Mod
If u like to go off jumps with your mini-t and you hate when it bottoms out because of the non oil-filled shocks here is a simple mod to help.
Things Needed: Needel Nose pliers, Razor Blade or Scissors, Measuring Ruler
Supplies Needed: 6 inches of 1/4 inch O.D RC fuel line
Step 1. Take truck and press down till desired ground clearance is reached measure distance between bottom of shock body and lower spring retainer
Step 2. Take off all shocks and remove all springs and end ballstud cup and lower spring retainer.
Step 3. Take a piece of the fuel tubing and cut to desired lenght of ground clearance and put on shock shaft.
Step 4. Put all ball cups and springs back on, and put shocks back on truck and your ready to jump.
Sorry there are no pictures did this a couple weeks ago
There Are People That Like To Get From Point A Point B Then There Are People That Like To Get From Point A To Point B Really Fast!!!!!!