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Old 10-06-2008, 01:10 PM
soneebee soneebee is offline
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IRC Vulcan 1/16th scale

Hello Guys,

Its the first time I posted on this forum.
I got one of this micro Vulcan buggies from one of the local shops, Its the first time I ever ran a Nitro RC.. its a both a pain and pleasure as its really hard to get the thing setup correctly. Its getting a little frustrating as I have no Idea on the correct setting for the small engine.

This is my Vulcan,

I got some upgrades for it for the first time..
got a 2 speed tranny and a tuned pipe.

took it for a short run.. It seems to go okay..

After a couple of runs.. The buggy seems to be running a little less power. I was thinking that the small TOKI engine was not doing well. Not sure how to set it up correctly. The engine just kept stalling during runs.

i have tried reading all over the internet.. well I guess there is not too much info on the engine nor its correct setup. So i was guessing on the correct HSN and LSN settings.

lately I just got so fed up with the engine and got a new one. I replace the ToKI engine with a GO .98cc... did the break in and tried out the new engine.

Well it was doing nicely. It had better power and has more speed.. but my problems is still what is the correct setup for the HSN and LSN..

this is my buggy now

after breakin of 5 tanks I tried running it.. Although I have no idea on how I will adjust the settings on the HSN and LSN... i just ran it with the default factory settings

can someone help me to see if my settings is already correct. I have taken another video of my Vulcan... It seems to run better with the GO engine.. but is this how good it runs, or when I change the HSN and LSN will it run better?

Last edited by soneebee; 10-07-2008 at 12:22 AM.
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Old 10-06-2008, 01:35 PM
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There is a nice glow engine tutorial over at
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Old 10-07-2008, 11:39 AM
soneebee soneebee is offline
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thanks steve.. I checked the site out... there is a lot of very good info... I just hope I can give it a try on my vulcan
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Old 10-07-2008, 11:59 AM
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Tuning nitro motors isn't easy and can be frustrating at times. Couple that with the tiny motor in your buggy and things don't get better. The very tiny motors can be extremely finicky and best to err on the rich side.
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Old 10-08-2008, 09:00 PM
soneebee soneebee is offline
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Oh yah.. I am really having trouble setting up the little engine.. currently I am running it rich.. as there is good smoke coming out the exhaust during runs. Il try to adjust the HSN to lessen the amount of smoke until it reaches around 75 - 80% throttle.. cannot seem to get that point yet.. having trouble with the gearbox also.. kept stripping the small bevel gear... had replaced the gearbox 4 times already.. and the metal gears seem to last short... I Think ill go back to the plastic ones. it kinda last longer... the metal gears gets really hot after a 7 - 8 min run.. and it gets worn out sharp.. like the teeth were sharpen... I guess speed is not what this buggy wants....

Originally Posted by SteveM View Post
Tuning nitro motors isn't easy and can be frustrating at times. Couple that with the tiny motor in your buggy and things don't get better. The very tiny motors can be extremely finicky and best to err on the rich side.
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