Which way to mount the motor..
Using a Mamba motor I have the option to
Mount it towards the front or towards the back.
Either way space will be tight. I kind of want to mount the
motor towards the front. That way I will still be able to use the
Battery Tray, but the motor seems to be hitting the Servo.
I will have to see how far forward I can move the front end and still
have the drive cups connect with the center dogbones.
Below is some prefabrication pics.
Here is the Pre Fab Mini LST with Mini Revo Trans with out the motor.
Here is the Pre Fab Mini LST with Mini Revo Trans with Mamba Motor Towards Rear.
Fits but really tight and If I mount it this way I wont be able to use the battery tray.
Here is the Pre Fab Mini LST with Mini Revo Trans with Mamba Motor Towards Front.
The motor is hitting my 1:10 scale servo, but I might be able to fit it this way by moving the
front end forward, just as long as the center dogbone connects with the front drive cup.
And this way I will be able to use the Battery Tray.
Here is the Pre Fab Mini LST with Mini Revo Trans with Mini Revo Motor.. Does not fit either way.