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Old 04-17-2009, 03:28 AM
makakoa808 makakoa808 is offline
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Here is a test vid of MLST Single Servo Plate 1
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Old 04-21-2009, 10:06 AM
makakoa808 makakoa808 is offline
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someone suggested using a Duratrax Mini Quake Bell Crank.
I've never worked on a mini quake or have much experiance with a bell crank type steering.

Anythoughts or suggestions.. Anyone?
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Old 06-28-2009, 01:42 AM
makakoa808 makakoa808 is offline
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Ok it's been a while been busy.. but check this out.. think Im almost done. I made a new chassis that will move the center diff further back. Allowing more space for a servo upfornt. And all you have to do is use the front center dog bone in the back and the back center dogbone to the front.. now just need to make a single servo plate that will work with this single servo chassis. Check this out.. Any thoughts, questions, suggestions?

Its my rccustomzone mini lst single servo mod.

Oh the bell crank is out of the picture. It would cost to much to get all the parts for the bell crank steering setup.. I'm trying to keep cost down for a inexpensive single servo mod for the Mini LST.
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Old 06-30-2009, 12:53 AM
makakoa808 makakoa808 is offline
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Yeeehawww!! Got my parts today... Got my chassis on and my servo plate.... to save time I did not sand them down so the
parts look a little rough. But all holes seem to align.. not bad for a prototyp... If I do say so myself.

The hard part is when I put the two together see if the servo saver & steering arms hits anything.

rccustomzone single servo chassis

rccustomzone single servo plate
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Old 07-01-2009, 02:49 PM
makakoa808 makakoa808 is offline
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So I got the front end worked out.
Connected the single servo plate to the front end of the mini lst

I'm sure there are better parts and ways to do this. But to keep my cost down and save a trip to the hobby shop, I had some long screws laying around, I cut the tops off and used them as my mini lst down and dirty turnbuckles. (anyone got suggestions on what to use as turnbuckels let me know)

To connect them to the servo saver I cut up the stock servo saver the ends that screw to the ball joints... some lock tight and there you have it...

Again I'm sure there are better turnbuckles out there that you can use, these turn buckles are quick and dirty good for use as a prototype.

Basically used the stock turnbuckles from the mini lst and two long screws with the tops cut off. Later I'll find a better alternatives any suggestions.

Here are some images of my rccustomzone single servo mod. So far so good.

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Old 07-05-2009, 02:31 AM
makakoa808 makakoa808 is offline
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It's Done! lol well still need to take her on a
test drive but I am very please with this mod so far..
I seriously think this will work...

Now I need to get the electronics & motor on and take
my rc custom zone single servo Mini LST for a few runs.
I'll get some pics and video of that as well..

If it works well enough, I'll start making them for anyone who wants one...

Here are some pics without the electronics other then the servo...

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Old 07-08-2009, 10:14 AM
makakoa808 makakoa808 is offline
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A minor set back but, nothing that will stop me from making this rccustomzone Mini LST single servo mod / kit.

Ok so I got these aluminum spacers to use to hold the servo up. This will replace the spacers that I cut manually so as to save time if I have to mass produce this kit. I don't want to be cutting spacers all day long. Plus the aluminum looks much nicer.
Here is a pic of where the aluminum servo savers will go, circled in red.

They will replace the white spacers I manually cut to size.

Unfortunately the I could not find spacers with the same length that I'm using. To short the servo saver will hit the Center drive shaft.
To long and the turnbuckles steering arms hit the front side of the chassis.

So that's the problem I'm having with the these longer aluminum spacers. So now I'm thinking of cutting the front section off see pic below. Circled in red is where the the steering arms hit. So now I'm going to cut that front section off.

Which leads to another problem. by cutting the front section of the chassis off, there is nothing that will hold the front diff box pins in.
See pic below circled in yellow.

I realize there are ways to hold it in, but it would have been nice if the chassis took care of it. This will just add a little bit of complication to the kit.
Here is a pic of how the front end of the chassis holds the pin in. See section circled in red.

So any thoughts on how to hold those two bottom pins in?
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Old 07-22-2009, 12:52 PM
makakoa808 makakoa808 is offline
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Ok it's Done
My RCCustomZone Single Servo Kit..
Thats right it's a kit. I will provide not just the
RCCZ Single Servo Mount & RCCZ Single Servo Chassis but the screws, bolts and spacers.
All you will need is the Servo ( I used a traxxas stampede stock servo),
servo saver (Kimbrough Servo Saver ) and turn buckles ( I used a long screw with the screw head cut off to extend the stock turn buckles). Oh and of course you will need blue locktite..

The Chassis and Mount is made of 6061 Brushed Aluminum.
Here are some pics will add more later.

RCCustomZone Mini LST Single Servo Chassis and Servo Mount

Close up of Servo Mount

Servo Mount Attached to front end

Bottom View

Top View

If you want me to make you one PM me.
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Old 07-23-2009, 02:15 PM
makakoa808 makakoa808 is offline
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Ok people had some questions. Here are some pics to help answer them.

MMB Body with front body post in. The rear body post holes is a little off.
Not sure how that happened

Good spot to Mount some electronics

Rear Battery space measurements

Height with a stock 1/10th servo from a Stampede

MMB Stock Lipo Battery still fits

With Mamba motor or Stock motor measurements

If you wanted to go with a 1/10th scale 540 motor

A 3 cell lipo that will fit on one side. You can put a 540 on the other side.
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Old 07-27-2009, 01:32 AM
makakoa808 makakoa808 is offline
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Here is the RCCZ single servo kit with my old beat up JConcept body.
The body post is on the lowest setting.
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Old 07-29-2009, 05:40 PM
makakoa808 makakoa808 is offline
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I want to try a HS-81MG Servo with this mod, the metal gears but I got a couple questions wondering if anyone knows the answer..
Whats the diffrence between HS-81MG & HS-82MG?
Should I get the HS-82MG I think it's the updated version from the HS-81MG with a stronger motor..
Also is it just thinner then a regular servo or is the height and length smaller two.
If I mounted it with spline face down will the HS-82MG be a shorter height then 1:10th servo?
And from mounting hole to mounting hole will the HS-82MG be shorter or longer then a regular 1:10th scale servo?
And do you guys think this would be a better servo to use on the MLST then a 1:10 scale servo?

Much thanks to anyone who can aswer this
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Old 08-03-2009, 12:03 AM
makakoa808 makakoa808 is offline
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Ok here is a video of the RC Custom Zone Single Servo Kit.
It's still to hot here in Arizona to run my Mini LST outside.
When it cools down.. I hope to get some great outdoor video.

Mini LST with RC Custom Zone Single Servo Kit Video

Last edited by makakoa808; 08-03-2009 at 12:21 AM.
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Old 08-20-2009, 11:30 AM
makakoa808 makakoa808 is offline
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RCCZ Mini LST Single Servo Kit Bash Video

Here is a little ramp jumping off road bashing video of my mini lst with the rccustomzone single servo kit installed..

Click Link Below To View Video
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