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Old 05-28-2008, 04:24 PM
ts2006 ts2006 is offline
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A123 batteries and MLST

Hello all
Well I am one of the rejects from and looking for a new home. I have a Mini T and Mini LST. One of the things that I have been doing lately is experimenting with the A123 1100mah cells. Has anyone modify the battery compartment of the MLST to accomidate 3 A123 cells??

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Old 05-28-2008, 05:08 PM
MrEprize MrEprize is offline
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Welcome, It sux to lose such a nice site, I will miss it too.
I debated getting a123's but I would need a new charger... again. So I settled on lipo's.
How do you like the a123's? I still have some interest in how they hold up.

If you went single engine brushless, couldn't you use that open are for some cells?

PS: Found any other good MLST sites?
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Old 05-28-2008, 06:53 PM
ts2006 ts2006 is offline
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Well I have built a couple of 2 cells that work very well in the Mini T and MLST. Consistant at 6.6 volts. I get around 20 mins runtime with the mini t with a tekin minirage and 8000kv motor. The batteries stay nice and cool. Charge time is around 9min. at 5 amps. I use a losi lithium coverter with my charger. tough cells. I buy the black and decker vxp packs at walmart for $20 Each pack has 2 cells.. Its just a matter of building a battery pack in the same fashion as nimh batteries
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Old 01-22-2009, 03:41 PM
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lol ooooooooops
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