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Old 06-09-2009, 12:22 AM
bhilly82 bhilly82 is offline
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megatech brushless motor and esc

I just ordered from megatech there bl motor a esc kit its a 6600kv motor, i will be using this in my truck and taking out the reedy 17t motor and the rps esc and putting it in my buggy, also you all should know that the bl motor and esc is on sale for 49.99 here is a link

What do you all think about it did i make a good choice.
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Old 06-09-2009, 08:44 PM
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Which esc you said you were using? I've been looking for an esc to use with my 17T trinity mini monster motor. After using it with 2s lipo on the stock esc, i lost reverse and the bec circuit quit working properly.

I've always wondered about the megatech brushless setup. So let us know how it goes. You could have gotten the ezrun brushless motor esc and program card from ebay for around 53-55 shipped. I've never used it but it has gotten good reviews from people who have.
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Old 06-10-2009, 08:10 PM
bhilly82 bhilly82 is offline
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i was using a stock rc18 esc with a heat sink on it, it has held up well.
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Old 06-11-2009, 06:24 PM
bhilly82 bhilly82 is offline
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it is part of there fathers day sale the normal price is 149.99 the last time i looked at it. Hopefully it will be a good one if not then it will be time for one frrom my lhs. if this thing sucks then i think its time for a real rc18t and go from there with it.
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Old 01-02-2010, 11:16 AM
slaterec slaterec is offline
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MEGATECH Brushless 6600KV motor and ESC

Now that you have had approx 6 months to run your megatech 6600KV, how do you like it? I just bought the Megatech Brushless 6600KV motor and ESC for $49.99. A local hobby store in my area had 50% off on all MEGATECH stuff. So I bought it...along with the MegaPro Truck as well. He said they were clearing shelves for the 2010 product line from Megatech. Never heard of Megatech before so we'll see if I actually get what I paid for...Happy New Year to everyone.
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Old 02-05-2010, 11:10 AM
AQucsaiJr AQucsaiJr is offline
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I was thinking of purchasing this brushless kit as well. I want to put it in my ProPulse truck. I want to be able to keep up with the bigger cars at the track near me, but I don't want to waste my money if I can avoid it.
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Old 02-23-2010, 09:46 AM
AQucsaiJr AQucsaiJr is offline
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Originally Posted by slaterec View Post
Now that you have had approx 6 months to run your megatech 6600KV, how do you like it? I just bought the Megatech Brushless 6600KV motor and ESC for $49.99. A local hobby store in my area had 50% off on all MEGATECH stuff. So I bought it...along with the MegaPro Truck as well. He said they were clearing shelves for the 2010 product line from Megatech. Never heard of Megatech before so we'll see if I actually get what I paid for...Happy New Year to everyone.
I am thinking of upgrading to the Megatech Brushless 6600KV motor and ESC soon, how do you like it? My stock Megatech ESC has crapped out on me so I figured this is a good reason for an upgrade.
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